Shanna Guzman and Misbah Haque
Walking Lunges, Hands to Forearm, Prisoner Good Morning, Air Squat, Sprawl, Arrested Superman, Sit Ups
Air Squats, Plank March, Hollow Flutter Kicks, Mtn. Climbers, Tuck Ups, Walking Lunges, Hand Release Push Ups, Savasana Pose
Glute Bridge, Plank Shoulder Tap, Air Squat, Jump Lunge, Burpee, Hollow Rock, Frog Pump
Wall Sits, Plank Walkout, Plank Hip Dips, Hand Release Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, Butterfly Sit Ups
Prisoner Good Morning, Air Squat, Plank Shoulder Tap, Squat Jump, Sit Ups, Glute Bridge, Leg V-Up
Samson Lunge, Plank Army Crawler, Pulse Squat, Gorilla Burpee, Bicycle Crunch, Frog Pump, Hands to Forearms
Air Squat, Supinated Suspension Training Row Hold. Plank Walkout, Marching Wall Sits, Suspension Training Supinated Rows, Bench Dips, Sprawls
Walking Lunge, Archer Suspension Training Row, Prisoner Good Morning, Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold, Suspension Training Archer Ring Row, Supine Toe to Object, Jump Lunge
Reverse Plank Hold, Plank Shoulder Taps, Jumping Jacks, Suspension Training Squat, Reverse Lunge, Hands to Forearm, Bicycle Crunch (slow and controlled)
Pulse Squats, Suspension Training Row Hold, Army Crawlers, Air Squat, Suspension Training Face Pull, Bench Dip (or Chair), High Knees in Place
Crab Kicks, Scapular Push Ups, Half Moons, Wall Sit, Suspension Training Row, Push Up, Mt. Climbers
Wall Sits, Front Leaning Rest, High Knee Runs, Cyclist Squat, Side Skaters, Bench Dip, Gorilla Burpees
Bird-Dog Iso Hold, Quadruped Shoulder Cars, Deadbug, Continuous movement at 85% Aerobic, Russian Twists, Glute Bridge, Burpees, Jumping Squats, Elevated Push Ups, Bent Hollow Hold, Plank Hip Taps, Superman, Curtsy Squats
Plank Walk Outs, Dive Bombers, Shin box, Continuous movement at 85% Aerobic, Single Leg V Up, Jump Lunges, Bench (or Chair) Dip, Hollow Rocks, Step Ups, Sprawl, Bicycle Crunch, Suspension Training Squat to Row, Tall Plank Shoulder Taps
Wall Sit March, Spider Lunge, Quadruped Crawl, Continuous movement at 85% Aerobic, Bear Crawl, Air Squats, Butterfly Sit Ups, Plank Army Crawlers, Lunges, Burpee, Supine Toes to Object, Suspension Training Row, High Knees in Place
Worlds Greatest Stretch, Mt. Climbers, Bent Hollow Hold, Continuous movement at 85% Aerobic, Quadruped Crawl, Jump Lunges, Cross Body Sit Ups, Russian Twists, Wall Sit March, Sprawl, Cross Body Toe Reach, Jumping Jacks, Suspension Hip Lift
Inch Worm, High Knees in Place, Wall Deadbug, Crab Crawl, Jumping Air Squats, Anchored Sit, Ups, Hands to Forearm, Air Squat, Sprawl, V Up, Reverse Lunge Leg Lift, Jumping Jacks, Wall Deadbug, Crab Crawl, Jumping Air Squats, Anchored Sit Ups, Hands to Forearm.
Wave unload Planks, Shin Box Switch, Air Squat, Super Hero Burpees, Prisoner Reverse Lunges, Anchored Sit Ups, Hands to Forearm, Thigh Killas, Lateral Climbers, Sit Up to Hip Up, Reverse Lunge Leg Lift, Fire Feet.