Reverse Plank Hold, Plank Shoulder Taps, Jumping Jacks, Suspension Training Squat, Reverse Lunge, Hands to Forearm, Bicycle Crunch (slow and controlled)
Shanna Guzman & Mishah Haque at Revival Strength
Workout Type
Functional Body Building by Revival Strength
Functional Bodybuilding is a training methodology that blends traditional bodybuilding techniques with functional movement patterns to build strength, mobility, and aesthetics, while enhancing overall athletic performance and injury prevention.
Warm Up
- Continuous Movement - 5 mins
- Rest - 15 secs
- Reverse Plank Hold - 30 secs
- Tall Plank Shoulder Taps - 10 reps

- Jumping Jacks - 30 secs
Sequence - Loop through it 3 times
- Suspension Training Squat - 60 secs or 20 reps
- Rest - 15 seconds
Notes: No suspension trainer handy? Do body weight squats.

- Reverse Lunge - 30 secs
- Rest - 15 secs

- Hands to Forearm - 30 secs
- Rest - 15 secs

- Bicycle Crunch - 30 secs

Cool Down
- Cool Down - 4 min
- (Continuous Light Movement)
- Pigeon Pose - Left - 2 min
- Pigeon Pose - Right - 2 min