For the past ten years, Ginny has served as Senior Science Writer at humanOS. In that capacity, she has led the development of seven peer-reviewed nutrition and physical activity courses, as well as co-authored all of the How-to Guides that are available on the humanOS platform. She is also responsible for production of the humanOS Radio podcast, has written more than 350 humanOS Newsletters, and has cultivated humanOS's presence on Twitter (~10,000 followers).
As the daughter of a powerlifter, she was immersed in the realm of exercise physiology and sports nutrition starting in early childhood. In college, she developed a talent for analyzing scholarly articles related to various domains of health, including nutrition, physical activity, sleep and circadian physiology, and environmental exposures.
Subsequently, as a writer and researcher, Ginny has honed her ability to translate scientific findings into layperson-friendly language, and distill that information into practical takeaways that individuals can use themselves.
Key Educational Content
- Does Hard Exercise Increase Your Risk of Getting Sick?
- Sleep and Immunity - Things to Know
- The Surprising Role of Leg Exercise in Forming New Brain Cells
- Can Dark Chocolate Help You Get Fit?
- Is Moderate Drinking Really Good For You?
- Why Mental Work Makes You Overeat, and How Interval Training Can Help
- Does Metformin Block Health Benefits of Exercise?
- Research Reveals a Surprising Link Between Melatonin and Type 2 Diabetes
- How Blue Light Lowers Blood Pressure
How Much Physical Activity Do We Need?
Female Sports Nutrition