Daily Yoga
- Starting with knees bent
- Circle ankles, knees and hips in both directions
- Chair pose with elbows reaching forward and rounding out back body
- Come to knees and move slowly through the stabilization series
- Try the series with arms lifted
- Start on hands and knees
- Thread the needle, opening shoulders
- Cat and cow rotations
- Lay on belly stretching out front of the chest with support of a block
- Locust pose on the belly with fingers behind the back
- Childs pose with side body stretch
- Arms lift
- Forward fold
- Low lunge with side bend
- Vinyasa (lowering to belly, cobra, down dog)
- Second side
- High lunge
- Vinyasa
- Second side
- Lay on back, bringing knees to chest
- Small abdominal crunches
- Alternating leg extensions with shoulders lifted
- Alternating abdominal twists
- Twists with bent knee leg extensions
- Twists with straight leg extensions
- Lifting shoulders with legs extended
- Start kneeling
- Palms of hands facing away from knees
- Bring palms to ground, stretching out inner forearm
- Interlace fingers and stretch arms over head
- Side bend in each direction
- Stretch out shins by leaning back into feet (maybe knees life, maybe hands lift)
- Calf compression using shin down the length of calf muscle
- Downward dog
- Low lunge
- Half split
- High lunge
- Wide pyramid
- Standing split
- Pyramid pose
- Starting on hands and knees
- Knee to nose, knee to hip (alternating)
- Flexion of knee to elbow x3
- Abduction of knee to elbow x3 (external rotation)
- Draw circles with knee x3
- Tree pose (Vriksasana)
- Extended child with knees wide
- Downward facing dog
- Three legged downward dog with circling knee to open hip
- Horse stance with knees over ankles (holding and breathing)
- Horse stance with shoulder opener and circular flow of torso keep weight even in the feet
- Forward fold
- Place one foot on blanket and come to a high lunge
- Bring heel of foot to blanket as in warrior two
- Move arms into extended side angle pose
- Hold for a few breaths
- Second side
- Bring both feet to blanket and come to plank pose
- Pike hips to ceiling bringing feet to hands using core
- Starting on hands and knees
- Cat and cow rotations
- Extend and lift one leg curling knee to nose, then curling knee to shoulder
- Rest on belly
- Alternating arm and leg lifts
- Child's pose
- Extended child
- Downward facing dog
- Ragdoll body at the top of the mat
- Deep knee bends with forward fold
- Shoulder roll to stand
- Side bend
- Low lunge
- Half split
- High lunge
- Wide pyramid
- Warrior 3 with knee bends
- High lunge
- Warrior 2
- Reverse warrior
- Plank
- Cobra
- Downward dog
- Forward fold
- Deep squat / malasana
- Body roll to stand
- Interlace fingers, extend arm overhead and twist then side bend
- Shoulder roll
- Horse squat
- Triangle
- Pyramid
- Runners lunge
- Externally rotated lunge
- Second side
- Shoulder rolls
- Moving head forward and back
- Semi circle/half head rolls
- Full circle of head in both directions
- Dropping ear to shoulder
- Arms at shoulder height with neck stretch firstly facing forward, then facing slightly down
- Finishing with shoulder rolls
- Circle arms overhead
- Sidebend while circling arm to open shoulder and chest
- Chin to chest with shoulder rolls
- Sitting on blanket or block
- Shoulder rotations with neck release
- Eagle bind the arms to open deltoid with body rolls in the bind
- Interlace fingers and extend arms forward pulling upper back behind you
- Deltoid stretch with neck release
- Shoulder rolls
- Sitting on shins, massage out front of thighs
- Set up in a low lunge with one shin traveling up the wall
- Play with movement to open quadriceps
- Turn front foot open and allow pelvis to drop to release the hips and quadriceps further
- Starting on back with knees curled into chest
- Circle knees in both directions
- Supine pigeon or 'figure 4' with legs
- Option to extend leg for hamstring stretch
- 'Figure 4' bridge opening hip and inner groin
- One legged bridge strengthening glute of standing leg
- Feet as wide as mat and allow knees to fall side to side with an option to bind
- Hug knees to chest, circling knees in each direction
- Extend one leg (slight internal rotation of the thigh) down the mat the other toward the ceiling (flexion) (Supta Padangusthasana)
- Open leg to the side (abduction with external rotation)
- Cross leg over body (adduction with slight internal rotation) with spinal twist
- Half happy baby (eka pada ananda balasana)
- Start on hands and knees
- Thread the needle, opening shoulders
- Cat and cow rotations
- Lay on belly stretching out front of the chest with support of a block
- Locust pose on the belly with fingers behind the back
- Childs pose with side body stretch
- Extended child
- Side stretch in child's pose
- Side bend in gate pose
- Side stretch away from extended leg
- Small back bend
- One legged seated forward fold
- One legged seated side bend
- Circle arms up
- Forward fold
- Plank
- Knees, chest, chin
- Cobra
- Extended child
- Downward facing dog
- Right leg lifts to step into Warrior 1
- Plank
- Knees, chest, chin
- Cobra
- Downward facing dog
- Left leg lifts to step into Warrior 1
- Plank
- Knees, chest, chin
- Cobra
- Downward facing dog
- Right leg lifts to step into Warrior 1
- Humble warrior
- Warrior 3
- High lunge
- Plank
- Knees, chest, chin
- Cobra
- Downward facing dog
- Left leg lifts to step into Warrior 1
- Humble warrior
- Warrior 3
- High lunge
- Plank
- Knees, chest, chin
- Cobra
- Downward facing dog
- Walk or jump feet to top of mat
- Circle arms overhead
- Hands in prayer at heart